var langInfo = { "langID" : "en-us" , "langHome" : "en-us/" , "langName" : "English" , "appLangConfig" : { "jasonwang826" : { "url" : "dist/" , "pagerLang" : "en-us" , "vercodeLang" : "en-us" } , "jqueryUI" : { "langCode" : "en-us" } , "jasonwang826UI" : { "lang" : "jasonwang826-ui.en-us.js" } , "validationEngine" : { "lang" : "jquery.validationEngine-en.js" , "customRules" : "jquery.validationEngine-custom.en-us.js" } , "ckeditor" : { "langCode" : "en" } , "ckeditorFilemanager" : { "langCode" : "en" , "directory" : { "member" : "My folder" , "admin" : "Admin folder" } } , "colorpicker" : { "strings" : "Theme Colors,Standard Colors, Web Colors,Theme Colors,palette,History,No data" , "dialog_title" : "Color" } , "timepicker" : { "lang" : "jquery.ui.timepicker-en-us.js" , "langCode" : "en-us" } , "datetimepicker" : { "langCode" : "en" } } , "ui" : { "layout" : { "title" : "WayFinder" , "mainMenu" : { "aboutUs" : "About us" , "bestItem" : "Selected" , "showcase" : "Showcase" , "userConsole" : "User" , "contactUs" : "Contact us" } , "search" : { "text" : "Search text" , "button" : "Search" } , "breadcrumb" : { "location" : "Location" , "home" : "Home" } , "footer" : { "companyFirstName" : "Persona" , "companyName" : "Rich Source Precision Industry Co., Ltd." , "companyTelno" : "TEL: +886-2-2290-0882" , "companyAddress" : "Address: 5F., No. 8, Wugong 5th Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242, Taiwan (R.O.C.)" } } , "page" : { "aboutUs" : { "title" : "About us" } , "bestItem" : { "title" : "Selected items" } , "showcase" : { "title" : "Showcase" } , "login" : { "title" : "User login" } , "contactUs" : { "title" : "Contact us" , "name" : "Your name" , "email" : "Your email" , "telno" : "Your phone number" , "content" : "Your message" , "send" : "Send" , "contactUs_success" : "Your message has been sent successfully!" } , "map" : { "title" : "WayFinder Map" , "no_map_exist" : "No map exists!" , "search" : "Search" , "category" : "Categories" , "information" : "Information" , "stayInTouch" : "Stay in touch" , "language" : "Language" , "inputSearchText" : "Input search text" , "noItemPointExists" : "No item point exists!" , "noPathExists" : "No path found!" , "hidePath" : "Hide path" , "pathSecStart" : "You are here!!" , "pathSecNaviPrev" : "Back to
previous section" , "pathSecNaviNext" : "Continue to
next section" , "not_project_item" : "The item is not belong to this project!" , "show_the_way" : "Show the way" , "description_title" : "About" , "opening_hours" : "Opening hours" , "button_description" : "information" , "button_promotion" : "promotion" , "button_event" : "event" , "newsletter" : { "title" : "Newsletter" , "slogon1" : "Be the first to know" , "slogon2" : "about promotions and events" , "name_placeholder" : "Name" , "email_placeholder" : "email" , "accept_agreement" : "I have read and accepted the" , "term" : "Terms and conditions" , "send" : "Send" , "sendSuccess" : "Your data has been sent successfully!" , "term_title" : "Terms and conditions" , "term_back" : "Back" } } , "search" : { "title" : "Search WayFinder" , "project" : "Map(s)" , "item" : "Location(s)" , "rownum1" : "" , "rownum2" : "record(s) found" } , "youtube" : { "property" : "Property" , "remove" : "Remove" } } , "adminLayout" : { "title" : "WayFinder" , "subtitle" : "Administration" , "toHome" : "Home" , "lastLogin" : "last login at" , "warning" : "This system only allow authorized member login, unauthorized access will .... law justice." , "login" : { "title" : "Administrator login" } , "mainMenu" : { "home" : "Home" , "project" : "Project" , "user" : "Company/User" , "lang" : "Language" , "icon" : "Icon" , "category" : "Category" , "youtube" : "Youtube" , "adminUser" : "Administrator" } , "userMenu" : { "home" : "Home" , "admin" : "Administration" , "webContent" : "Web content" , "contactUs" : "Contact us" , "user" : "User console" , "account" : "My account" , "logout" : "Logout" } , "projectMenu" : { "edit" : "General" , "lang" : "Languages" , "user" : "Users" , "building" : "Buildings" , "category" : "Categories" , "icon" : "Icons" , "item" : "Items" , "map" : "Map" , "promotion" : "Promotions" , "event" : "Events" , "newsletter" : "Newsletter" } , "userInfo" : { "welcome" : "Welcome," } , "count" : { "project" : "Project" , "company" : "Company" , "user" : "User" , "lang" : "Language" , "icon" : "Icon" , "category" : "Category" , "adminUser" : "Administrator" } , "langMenu" : "UI language" } , "userLayout" : { "title" : "WayFinder" , "subtitle" : "User console" , "toHome" : "Home" , "lastLogin" : "last login at" , "warning" : "This system only allow authorized member login, unauthorized access will .... law justice." , "login" : { "title" : "User login" } , "mainMenu" : { "home" : "Home" , "project" : "Project" , "building" : "Building" , "floor" : "Floor" , "location" : "Location" , "youtube" : "Youtube" , "user" : "User" } , "userMenu" : { "home" : "Home" , "admin" : "Administration" , "user" : "User console" , "account" : "My account" , "logout" : "Logout" } , "projectMenu" : { "edit" : "General" , "lang" : "Languages" , "user" : "Users" , "building" : "Buildings" , "category" : "Categories" , "icon" : "Icons" , "item" : "Items" , "map" : "Map" , "promotion" : "Promotions" , "event" : "Events" , "newsletter" : "Newsletter" } , "userInfo" : { "welcome" : "Welcome," } , "count" : { "project" : "Project" , "building" : "Building" , "floor" : "Floor" , "location" : "Location" , "user" : "User" , "adminUser" : "Administrator" } , "langMenu" : "UI language" } , "login" : { "account" : "Account" , "password" : "Password" , "login" : "Login" , "forgot" : "Forgot password" , "login_first" : "You have to login first." , "insufficient_privilege" : "Insufficient privilege" , "access_denied" : "Access denied" , "must_have_company_admin" : "You have no authority for company administration, access denied!" , "not_company_user" : "You are not the user of this compnay, access denied!" , "loginfail_no_account" : "Login fail! Account does not exists!" , "loginfail_account_disabled" : "Login fail! Account was disabled!" , "loginfail_company_disabled" : "Login fail! Company was disabled!" , "loginfail_password_incorrect" : "Login fail! Incorrect password!" } , "forgot" : { "title" : "WayFinder" , "subtitle" : "User console" , "formTitle" : "Forgot password" , "send" : "Send" , "login" : "User login" , "forgotfail_no_account" : "Account does not exists!" , "forgot_success" : "The password has sent to your email." , "forgot_email_subject" : "Forgot Password" , "account" : "Account" , "name" : "Name" , "password" : "Password" } , "project" : { "title" : "Project" , "langInfo" : "Project language data" , "id" : { "name" : "Project ID" } , "thumb" : { "name" : "Thumbnail" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "company" : { "name" : "Company" } , "enable" : { "name" : "Publish" } , "not_project_user" : "Your account have no rights on this project." , "insufficient_privilege" : "Insufficient privilege" } , "projectEdit" : { "title" : "General" , "id" : { "name" : "Project ID" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "enable" : { "name" : "Publish" , "hint" : "Publish this project on website." } , "logo" : { "name" : "LOGO" , "hint" : "Always visible on the top left corner of the front application. Clear logo with transparent background to be superimposed on a dark background. This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 300 * 100 pixels." } , "thumb" : { "name" : "Thumbnail" , "hint" : "This Thumbnail display on the list pages of this website. This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 120 * 90 pixels." } , "photo" : { "name" : "Photo" , "hint" : "This photo display on the slider of this website. This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 800 * 600 pixels." } , "bgimg" : { "name" : "Map background" , "hint" : "This image display on the map of this project as background, the dimension of this image is the dimension of the map." , "dimension" : "Map dimension" } , "iconSize" : { "name" : "Icon size" , "large" : "Large 48 * 48" , "middle" : "Middle 32 * 32" , "small" : "Small 20 * 20" } , "reloadMode" : { "name" : "Reload mode" , "none" : "Not reload" , "load" : "Count down when page had loaded" , "idle" : "Count down when page idle" } , "reloadInterval" : { "name" : "Reload interval (sec)" } , "title2" : "Newsletter" , "newsletter_logo" : { "name" : "LOGO" , "hint" : "Clear logo with transparent background to be superimposed on a dark background. This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 300 * 100 pixels." } , "lang_init" : { "title" : "Project Language" , "project" : "Use" , "default" : "Default" , "icon" : "Icon" , "name" : "Name" , "copyDataFrom" : "Copy data from" , "at_least_one" : "Project must use 1 language at least!" } , "brief" : { "name" : "Brief" } , "newsletter_term" : { "name" : "Terms" } , "event" : { "name" : "Customized name of events" , "hint" : "Display default name if empty" } , "promotion" : { "name" : "Customized name of promotions" , "hint" : "Display default name if empty" } } , "company" : { "title" : "Companies" , "id" : { "name" : "Company ID" } , "thumb" : { "name" : "Thumbnail" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 300 * 100 pixels." } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "url" : { "name" : "URL" } , "address" : { "name" : "Address" } } , "user" : { "title" : "Users" , "id" : { "name" : "Account" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "company" : { "name" : "Company" } , "password" : { "name" : "Password" , "hint" : "The password will not be changed if empty." } , "password_confirm" : { "name" : "Password confirm" , "hint" : "Input password once more." } , "email" : { "name" : "email" } , "telno" : { "name" : "Phone number" } , "address" : { "name" : "Address" } , "remark" : { "name" : "Remark" } , "company_admin" : { "name" : "Admin" , "hint" : "Grant company administration authority" } } , "lang" : { "title" : "Language" , "id" : { "name" : "Language ID" , "sname" : "ID" } , "icon" : { "name" : "Icon" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 30 * 20 pixels." } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "default" : { "name" : "Default" } , "ui" : { "name" : "UI" } , "project" : { "name" : "Project" } , "comment" : { "name" : "Comment" } , "ui_copy_source" : "UI language data copy from" , "project_copy_source" : "Project language data copy from" , "default_must_be_ui" : "The default language must be one of the UI languages." , "ui_must_have_langInfo" : "The UI language must have language file, please enter "Language > Edit" to create language file" , "default_must_exists" : "Default language cannot be deleted!" } , "langInfo" : { "title" : "Language file" , "after_insert" : "To create/edit language file, language must be inserted." , "create" : "Create language file" , "copySource" : { "name" : "Copy source" , "hint" : "To edit language file, it must be created. Choose a language to copy its language file from." } , "content" : { "name" : "Content" , "hint" : "Language file editor is underconstruction." } } , "icon" : { "title" : "Icon" , "langInfo" : "Icon language data" , "id" : { "name" : "Icon ID" , "sname" : "ID" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "icon" : { "name" : "Icon" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 32 * 32 pixels." } , "dir" : { "name" : "Directory" } } , "iconDir" : { "title" : "Icon Directories" , "langInfo" : "Icon Directory language data" , "id" : { "name" : "Directory ID" , "sname" : "ID" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } } , "category" : { "title" : "Categories" , "langInfo" : "Category language data" , "id" : { "name" : "Category ID" , "sname" : "ID" } , "color" : { "name" : "Color" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "parent" : { "name" : "Parent category" , "become_subCategory" : "To be sub category" } } , "subCategory" : { "title" : "Sub categories" , "langInfo" : "Sub category language data" , "parent" : { "name" : "Parent category" , "choose_option" : "-- To be main category --" } } , "adminUser" : { "title" : "Administrator" , "id" : { "name" : "Account" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "company" : { "name" : "Company" , "no_company" : "-- none --" } , "password" : { "name" : "Password" , "hint" : "The password will not be changed if empty." } , "password_confirm" : { "name" : "Password confirm" , "hint" : "Input password once more." } , "email" : { "name" : "email" } , "telno" : { "name" : "Phone number" } , "address" : { "name" : "Address" } , "remark" : { "name" : "Remark" } , "company_admin" : { "name" : "Admin" , "hint" : "Grant company administration authority" } } , "projectLang" : { "title" : "Project language" , "id" : { "name" : "Language ID" , "sname" : "ID" } , "icon" : { "name" : "Icon" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 30 * 20 pixels." } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "default" : { "name" : "Default" } , "ui_lang" : { "name" : "UI language" , "use_default" : "System default language" } , "copyFrom" : { "name" : "Copy from" , "hint" : "Copy from the choosen project language to new project language." } , "source" : { "name" : "New language" , "hint" : "Choose one of the system availiable language become new project language." } , "default_must_exists" : "Default project language cannot be deleted!" , "no_lang_to_insert" : "System has no availiable language for project language." } , "projectUser" : { "title" : "Project user" , "source" : { "name" : "Add user" , "hint" : "Choos user to become new project user." } , "preview" : { "name" : "Preview" } , "no_user_to_insert" : "There is no availiable user for project user" } , "building" : { "title" : "Building" , "langInfo" : "Building language data" , "project" : { "name" : "Project name" , "thumb" : "Project thumbnail" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "bgimg" : { "name" : "Map background" , "hint" : "This image display on the map of this building as background, the dimension of this image is the dimension of the map." , "dimension" : "Map dimension" } , "floorNum" : "Floor numbers" } , "event" : { "title" : "Event" , "langInfo" : "Event language data" , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "location" : { "name" : "Location" } , "sdate" : { "name" : "Start" } , "edate" : { "name" : "End" } , "description" : { "name" : "Description" } , "keywords" : { "name" : "Keywords" } } , "floor" : { "title" : "Floor" , "langInfo" : "Floor language data" , "project" : { "name" : "Project name" , "thumb" : "Project thumbnail" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "label" : { "name" : "Label" } , "building" : { "name" : "Building" } , "bgimg" : { "name" : "Map background" , "hint" : "This image display on the map of this floor as background, the dimension of this image is the dimension of the map. " , "dimension" : "Map dimension" } } , "item" : { "title" : "Item" , "langInfo" : "Item language data" , "project" : { "name" : "Project name" , "thumb" : "Project thumbnail" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "type" : { "name" : "Type" } , "category" : { "name" : "Category" } , "subCategory" : { "name" : "Sub category" } , "telno" : { "name" : "Phone number" } , "email" : { "name" : "email" } , "hour" : { "name" : "Opening hour" } , "icon" : { "name" : "Icon" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 320 * 240 pixels." } , "logo" : { "name" : "LOGO" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 300 * 100 pixels." } , "photo" : { "name" : "Photo" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 800 * 600 pixels." } , "youtube" : { "name" : "Youtube" , "size" : "Size" , "width" : "Width" , "height" : "Height" , "none" : "None" , "mute" : "Mute" } , "description" : { "name" : "Description" } , "keywords" : { "name" : "Keywords" } , "address" : { "name" : "Address" } , "odays" : { "name" : "Opening days" } , "disabled_access" : { "name" : "Disabled access" , "hint" : "You are certain that people with disabilities, including people using a wheelchair, can use this item." } } , "itemLocation" : { "title" : "Location item" , "langInfo" : "Location item language data" } , "map" : { "title" : "WayFinder Map" , "no_map_exist" : "There is no map in this project." , "full_screen" : "Full screen" , "exit_full_screen" : "Exit full screen" , "toolbar_fold" : "Fold toolbar" , "toolbar_unfold" : "Unfold toolbar" , "tool_zoom_in" : "Zoom in" , "tool_zoom_origin" : "Zoom original" , "tool_zoom_out" : "Zoom out" , "tool_hand" : "Hand" , "tool_draw" : "Itinerary" , "tool_delete" : "Delete" , "tool_youtube" : "Youtube" , "tool_video" : "Offline video" , "tool_save" : "Save" , "tool_reload" : "Refresh" , "item_left" : "Prev" , "item_right" : "Next" , "item_type_location" : "Locations" , "item_type" : "By item type" , "item_category" : "By item category" , "mapModified" : "The map had been midified, but not save yet!" , "noDefaultStandPoint" : "No default stand point exists!" , "contextmenu" : { "setDefaultStandPoint" : "Set default stand point" , "addAccess" : "Create access" , "manageAccess" : "Manage access" , "customQRCode" : "Shortcut URL / QR-code" , "lineVisible" : "Set line(s) visible" , "lineInvisible" : "Set line(s) invisible" } , "dailogAddAccess" : { "title" : "Create access" , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "distant" : { "name" : "Distance" } , "srcMapScope" : { "name" : "Source map" } , "srcPoint" : { "name" : "Source point" } , "destMapScope" : { "name" : "Destination map" } , "destPoint" : { "name" : "Destination point" , "hint" : "Please pick the destination point, or click on the map to create a new point to be the destination point." } , "toDestPoint" : "Go to destination point" } , "dailogManageAccess" : { "title" : "Manage access" , "titleEdit" : "Edit access" } , "dailogCustomShortcut" : { "title" : "Shortcut URL / QR-code" , "srcMapScope" : { "name" : "Source map" } , "srcPoint" : { "name" : "Source point" } , "asStandPoint" : { "name" : "As stand point" } , "fullScreen" : { "name" : "Full screen" } , "item" : { "name" : "Initial item" } , "item_icon" : "Icon" , "item_name" : "Name" , "qrcode" : "QR-code" , "qrcode_url" : "QR-code URL" , "url" : "Shortcut URL" } , "block" : { "property" : "Property" , "remove" : "Remove" , "layerUp" : "Layer up" , "layerDown" : "Layer down" } , "youtube" : { "title" : "Youtube" , "video" : "Video" , "mute" : "Mute" } , "video" : { "block_label" : "Offline video" , "title" : "Offline video" , "video" : "Video" , "new" : "New video" , "mute" : "Mute" , "youtube" : "Youtube offline video" , "scan" : "Youtube HTML5 scan" } } , "newsletter" : { "title" : "Newsletter" , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "email" : { "name" : "email" } } , "projectCategory" : { "title" : "Project categories" , "langInfo" : "Project category language data" } , "projectSubCategory" : { "title" : "Project sub categories" , "langInfo" : "Project sub category language data" } , "projectIcon" : { "title" : "Project Icon" , "langInfo" : "Project Icon language data" , "id" : { "name" : "Project Icon ID" , "sname" : "ID" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "icon" : { "name" : "Icon" , "hint" : "This system will resize and crop uploaded image to : 32 * 32 pixels." } , "dir" : { "name" : "Directory" } } , "promotion" : { "title" : "Promotion" , "langInfo" : "Promotion language data" , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "location" : { "name" : "Location" } , "sdate" : { "name" : "Start" } , "edate" : { "name" : "End" } , "description" : { "name" : "Description" } , "keywords" : { "name" : "Keywords" } } , "youtube" : { "title" : "Youtube" , "thumb" : { "name" : "Thumbnail" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "company" : { "name" : "Company" } , "type" : { "name" : "Type" , "value" : { "none" : "none" , "playlist" : "playlist" , "video" : "video" } } , "preview" : "Preview" , "url" : "Youtube URL" , "url_placeholder" : "Enter Youtube URL please, system would analyze this URL automatically." , "no_match" : "No match playlist/video." } , "webContent" : { "title" : "Web content" , "id" : { "name" : "Web content ID" } , "name" : { "name" : "Title" } , "content" : { "name" : "Content" } } , "account" : { "title" : "My account" } , "contactUs" : { "title" : "Contact us" , "id" : { "name" : "Message ID" , "sname" : "ID" } , "name" : { "name" : "Name" } , "email" : { "name" : "email" } , "telno" : { "name" : "Phone number" } , "content" : { "name" : "Message" } } , "list" : { "searchAll" : "-- all --" , "new" : "New" , "edit" : "Edit" , "view" : "View" , "delete" : "Delete" , "clear" : "Clear" , "import" : "Import" , "export" : "Export" , "export_excel" : "Export Excel" , "cdate" : "Created at" , "udate" : "Update at" , "deleteNoDataSelected" : "Choose one data at least!" , "deleteConfirmCondition" : "Delete choosen item, will delete following data with it" , "deleteConfirm" : "Are you sure to delete?" , "ord" : { "name" : "Order" } , "enable" : { "name" : "Enable" , "value" : { "Y" : "enable" , "N" : "disable" } } , "YN" : { "name" : "Yes/No" , "value" : { "Y" : "yes" , "N" : "no" } } , "status" : { "name" : "Status" , "value" : { "Y" : "on" , "N" : "off" } } , "display" : { "name" : "Display" , "value" : { "Y" : "display" , "N" : "hidden" } } , "pager" : { "first" : "First" , "previous" : "Previous" , "jump1" : "#" , "jump2" : "page" , "total1" : "Total" , "total2" : "page(s)" , "next" : "Next" , "last" : "Last" , "reload" : "Reload" , "totalRownum1" : "Total" , "totalRownum2" : "record(s)" } } , "langPane" : { "title" : "Languages" } , "form" : { "new" : "New" , "edit" : "Edit" , "view" : "View" , "choose_option" : "-- choose --" , "choose_none" : "-- none --" , "submit" : "Save" , "nextStep" : "Next" , "prevStep" : "Previous" , "backList" : "Back to list" , "cancel" : "Cancel" , "close" : "Close" , "reset" : "Reset" , "clear" : "Clear" , "saveConfirm" : "Are you sure to save?" } , "display" : { "prompt" : "Now is redirecting to new URL, if you don't want to wait, click this button :" , "goto" : "Goto next page" } , "messageType" : { "info" : "Information" , "error" : "Error" , "alert" : "Alert" , "confirm" : "Confirm" } , "message" : { "data_exists" : "The identical data exists." , "data_not_exists" : "Data not found." , "incorrect_vercode" : "incorrect vercode!" , "insert_success" : "Insert successfully!" , "insert_fail_exists" : "Insert fail! The identical data exists." , "update_success" : "Update successfully!" , "update_fail_not_exists" : "Update fail! The original data not exists." , "delete_success" : "Delete successfully!" , "delete_fail_not_exists" : "Delete fail! The original data not exists." , "delete_fail_data_not_deletable" : "Delete fail! 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following data with it" , "deleteConfirm" : "Are you sure to delete?" , "ord_label" : "Order" , "ord" : { "name" : "Field name" } , "enable_label" : "Enable" , "enable" : { "name" : "Field name" , "value_label" : "Field value" , "value" : { "Y" : "enable" , "N" : "disable" } } , "YN_label" : "Yes/No" , "YN" : { "name" : "Field name" , "value_label" : "Field value" , "value" : { "Y" : "yes" , "N" : "no" } } , "status_label" : "Status" , "status" : { "name" : "Field name" , "value_label" : "Field value" , "value" : { "Y" : "on" , "N" : "off" } } , "display_label" : "Display" , "display" : { "name" : "Field name" , "value_label" : "Field value" , "value" : { "Y" : "display" , "N" : "hidden" } } , "pager_label" : "Paging bar" , "pager" : { "first" : "First" , "previous" : "Previous" , "jump1" : "#" , "jump2" : "page" , "total1" : "Total" , "total2" : "page(s)" , "next" : "Next" , "last" : "Last" , "reload" : "Reload" , "totalRownum1" : "Total" , "totalRownum2" : "record(s)" } } , "langPane_label" : "Languages" , "langPane" : { "title" : "Title" } , "form_label" : "表單介面" , "form" : { "new" : "New" , "edit" : "Edit" , "view" : "View" , "choose_option" : "-- choose --" , "choose_none" : "-- none --" , "submit" : "Save" , "nextStep" : "Next" , "prevStep" : "Previous" , "backList" : "Back to list" , "cancel" : "Cancel" , "close" : "Close" , "reset" : "Reset" , "clear" : "Clear" , "saveConfirm" : "Save confirmation" } , "display_label" : "Message page UI" , "display" : { "prompt" : "URL auto redirecting prompt." , "goto" : "Goto next page" } , "messageType_label" : "Message type" , "messageType" : { "info" : "Information" , "error" : "Error" , "alert" : "Alert" , "confirm" : "Confirm" } , "message_label" : "Message" , "message" : { "data_exists" : "The identical data exists." , "data_not_exists" : "Data not found." , "incorrect_vercode" : "incorrect vercode!" , "insert_success" : "Insert successfully!" , "insert_fail_exists" : "Insert fail! The identical data exists." , "update_success" : "Update successfully!" , "update_fail_not_exists" : "Update fail! The original data not exists." , "delete_success" : "Delete successfully!" , "delete_fail_not_exists" : "Delete fail! The original data not exists." , "delete_fail_data_not_deletable" : "Delete fail! The record is not deletable." , "submit_success" : "Submit successfully!" , "save_success" : "Save successfully!" } } , "appLangConfig_label" : "Component language configuration" , "appLangConfig_hint" : "To prevent system mulfunction, please acquire programer's assistant." , "appLangConfig" : { "jasonwang826_label" : "jasonwang826" , "jasonwang826" : { "url" : "URL" , "pagerLang" : "pager language code" , "vercodeLang" : "vercode language code" } , "jqueryUI_label" : "jQuery UI" , "jqueryUI" : { "langCode" : "Language code" } , "jasonwang826UI_label" : "jasonwang826 UI" , "jasonwang826UI" : { "lang" : "Language file" } , "validationEngine_label" : "jQuery validation engine" , "validationEngine" : { "lang" : "Language file" , "customRules" : "Custom rules" } , "ckeditor_label" : "CKEditor" , "ckeditor" : { "langCode" : "Language code" } , "ckeditorFilemanager_label" : "CKEditor file manager" , "ckeditorFilemanager" : { "langCode" : "Language code" , "directory" : "Directory" } , "colorpicker_label" : "Color picker" , "colorpicker" : { "strings" : "Language strings" , "dialog_title" : "Dialog title" } , "timepicker_label" : "Time picker" , "timepicker" : { "lang" : "Language file" , "langCode" : "Language code" } , "datetimepicker_label" : "Date/time picker" , "datetimepicker" : { "langCode" : "Language code" } } } } ; // console.log(langInfo);